Your address may be eligible for Wireless! Sign up for service below.

Wireless Registration Form
Fixed Wireless internet services may be available from LR Communications. Please fill out the form below and a member of our Customer Experience Team will contact you within 1 business day to finish your application and schedule your installation! Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.
Preferred Contact Method *
Are you currently an LR Communications customer? *

Service Address

Do you own or rent the property? *


Is your billing address the same as your service address? *
Bill Pay Options *
Is this for a business?

Residential Wireless Internet Services

Business Wireless Internet Services

Phone Service

Are you interested in VOIP Phone service?

Whole Home Wi-Fi

Would you like a Router Maintenance Plan from LR Communications?
LR Communications recommends a Mesh Wi-Fi Extender for all homes 2,500 square feet or larger. Many other factors can affect your Wi-Fi performance (such as walls or floors between you and the router and interference from other electronic devices). Would you be interested in WiFi Mesh Units? * *

Additional Information